One Liner Wednesday – One Person

“to the world you might just be one person, but to one person, you might just be the world” – anonymous

Thank you to the man in my life for supplying the quote and the inspiration for today. I’ve been meaning to play along with this particular prompt for a while now and I’m not sure why I haven’t. If you would like to join in, the rules and such can be found here.

I’m planning to be a whole lot more regular in my posting and perhaps switching things up somewhat for 2015 and I figure today is a good day to start. (I’m one of those weird people who just starts things rather than waiting for a new year or a Monday or whatever people do to start things fresh) I hope you all enjoy my “voice” just a little more each week in the coming year.

Thank you 2014 for being so amazing! Bring it on 2015!

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