Goodbye for Now

Good morning and Happy Sunday everyone. I know many of you will be expecting to see an SLS theme post, and  I do apologize that this post didn’t go up a few days ago. That was the original plan, but as with everything to do with my blog lately, things just aren’t going as planned.

As many of you know, I’ve been struggling with some health issues for a few months now. All my tests keep coming up normal, so no one can really tell me why I’m having these symptoms, but they are truly affecting everything in my life. I still have a few more things to look into, but I’m not very hopeful that anything at all will be found, so I’m left thinking that perhaps this all has to do with stress. I have a very stressful day job and it makes any stress in my personal life that much more difficult to take on.

When I first started this blog, my day job was boring as hell, so it left me with time to write and enjoy this wonderful blogging experience. I never could have imagined how much my weekly SLS post would take off. I do thank all of you for making each Sunday so wonderful for so many years. This decision has not been an easy one.

I’ve decided to take a hiatus from my blog. When I first started it, my intention was to have it help me write every day and to put my name out there. I don’t think it’s serving that purpose right this moment, and I truly need any free (or in my case “well”) time to be spent writing. My blog right now, while a very good tool, is just a distraction and I need to figure out what I’m going to do with it in the future.

Thank you again, to all my amazing followers, especially those of you who have followed SLS every Sunday. I will truly miss our weekly song share, and I do hope there is something similar out there that you can all find to share your love of music. Perhaps one of my followers has more free time and can take on that project. I’m just unable to sustain it any longer.

I will miss you all and I’m so sorry this is the end of something that has been truly great. I hope you all understand that I feel its best for me and my life right now.

I wish you all the best and I hope to see you all very soon!

62 thoughts on “Goodbye for Now

  1. I am so sorry about your health problems and I hope that you will be able to recover. SLS is my favorite writing challenge and I don’t do anything any more except blog, so I would be happy to be the host for Song Lyric Sunday, if I am not being too presumptuous.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I understand completely where you’re coming from on the prompt front. The most important thing is to take care of YOU, my dear. I hope your health issues work themselves out without the extra stress of having to be here on WordPress.
    If there’s anything I can do to help you with your writing, or publishing when you get there, please don’t hesitate to send me an email.
    As sad as I am to see you go, I’m happy you’re taking the necessary steps to be well.
    Looking forward to your next post, whenever it is, to let us know you’re doing better than ever!
    Get better soon, Helen! ❤ We'll be thinking of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Helen, I totally agree with Linda: most important thing is to take care of yourself. Hope you’ll find a way to soothe your problems. I was in a similar situation last year and have now given up going to the doctors because there doesn’t seem to be a point. I haven’t been around much but know you are in my daily prayers!!!! Hugs Bee

    Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks Helen, I have started to experiment with holistic healing. Now most of my pain is still there but it’s bearable. If you feel it’s stress-related: have ever tried Mindfulness? One of my doctors suggested this book to me: “Mindfulness – a practical guide to finding peace in a hectic world” by Mark Williams. It is brilliant and helped me well with my mental health. I have also started to think that some of it is late symptoms of earlier abuse. There are studies that suggest you get more health trouble later in life without any obvious reasons. Hope you get well soon.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I haven’t heard of it, but I will for sure look into it. I shouldn’t be surprised, much of my life has been just trying to survive every day. I am always looking for more ways to be more mindful and let things go. Thank you very much!


  4. My heart goes out to you, Helen. I know all too well how severely illness can impact your life…and your state of mind.

    You may not have realized it at the time, but you created something amazing in SLS. You’ve brought virtual strangers together who shared a love of music… only to have them find out they have even more in common. That’s no small feat. 😊

    I’m thrilled Jim stepped up to continue your challenge and I’ll be right there with him participating.

    Sending you love and prayers for a full and complete restoration to GOOD HEALTH…SOON!

    Check in and let us know how you’re doing, and don’t forget your boogie shoes! 😁

    Peace & Blessings!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Sorry to hear this, Helen. You will be missed here on SLS, as you’ve been a shining light for all of us who love music. Wishing you all the best, and that you will feel much better by lessening some of the stresses you’ve had lately. Thank you so much for creating SLS. Hopefully you will be back soon, stronger than ever. ❤ ❤ hearts & hugs
    I'm happy that Jim has volunteered to take on the challenge in your absence.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I’ll give it a whirl. I figured that since you had “new” as your theme last week, your theme this week would be “old.” I already have a song picked out. Will re-blog your post with my theme, and if you then re-blog my post, your followers, who aren’t already my followers, will have the information.
    I hope that once you get something published, you’ll re-consider blogging. Yes, it’s time consuming, but it’s a great way to promote your work, even if you just do it once a week. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Reblogged this on My Corner and commented:
    Helen Vahdati will no longer be posting Song Lyric Sunday themes, so I have opted to take on the task. From now on, I’ll post the theme sometime during the day on Saturday to give you all plenty of time to find a song and post it.
    since last week’s theme was “new,” this week, let’s do “old.” Of course you can go your own way with this, but whatever you do, please be sure to include a link to a video or other such recording of the song plus the lyrics, documenting their source. Also, please ping back to this post so I’ll know you’re participating. I look forward to hearing your selections.


  8. Helen, I took a few months off at the end of the year for very similar reasons as you. You need to look after yourself and while I am deeply sorry you are having to give up the blog for now, I am proud of you for putting yourself first. I am glad Jim is taking up the task of SLS for you. I had thoughts of it in my heart but thankfully my brain took over as I too still need a lot of self-care.

    I hope you find out what is causing your symptoms and that not having the stress (even if it was good stress) of coming up with topics and then answering all your followers will be healing for you.

    I hope you will be able to come back at some point but that is something only you can determine.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: Sherky does Song Lyric Sunday – The Bee Writes…

  10. So sorry to hear of your continued health problems Helen. We will all miss your great leadership and themes for SLS and thank you for all your grand work over the time you’ve been doing it. I hope that you and the doctors sort out and fix whatever is ailing you, and as soon as possible. WE hope to see you back in the WP world soon.
    Love, and best wishes.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Check back and give us an update occasionally. Maybe someday a renewal of posting will be a “stress buster.” Prayers for a better 2019, and for a diagnosis of your health issues and wisdom for what procedure to follow to achieve wellness again.

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  12. We will all miss you Sis, but we can all understand how you are feeling. I for one have had to take blogging breaks in fact I should imagine 99% of us have had to.
    So take your time find out what the problems are and get better.
    Well what better way to bow out… On a song of course. Get well and see you soon.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. So sorry to hear this. I understand and hope a firm diagnosis is found soon. All the best to you. You’ve started something mighty special here. I am glad Jim stepped in and I will continue to participate in #SLS.

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  14. Helen, so sorry to read you’re still under the weather. It’s so frustrating that the tests don’t give any reason for your health issues, but the other side of that is: All tests are normal, yay! Stress can really do a job on your whole system. Something has to give before it breaks you down. Taking a blog hiatus ought to help. When you have only limited time to write, feeling obligated to write the blog must just add to your stress,. As for stressful jobs, I retired when my stressful job burnt me out. Take it from me, Helen, NO job is worth losing your health — physically and psychically. Hope you feel better soon and are able to come back & join us! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Helen I’m so sorry to hear you’re stepping down, but not surprised – when I looked for your post on Saturday evening and couldn’t find it, I did wonder if you were ok as I know the ongoing health issues have been bugging you for some time now. I hope you know how much SLS is loved and appreciated by people all over the world – you’ve created a really special community which will go from strength to strength I’m sure. I chose Rest Cure by Arthur Brown for Jim’s prompt – – I hope taking a break proves a rest cure for you, and that you feel better soon. Much love, Kirst xx

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  16. For some reason, I am distracted by the fact that you’re taking a break when you have exactly 1,111 followers. 1111 is a very significant superstition in our family and usually means something really good. I hope this hiatus will help. (as an aside, I think there is a way to find each other’s email addresses just in case you ever need to bend the specific ear of someone 3 years into mysterious, un-diagnosible symptoms….
    The VERY Best to you Helen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. My followers were a significant reason I kept going, but it was just becoming too much. I think the hiatus will help me move in a direction that will work best for me.

      Yes, I know how to find the email addresses now. I’m taking steps to release some stress in my life. I am also going to seek therapy (again) because I guess you’re never really done with it. Every once in a while you need to rework the issues. 😊


  17. Pingback: Song Lyric Sunday/Laughing – Scarlett79

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