#frapalymo – Love Affair

Love Affair

The slow building of restless emotion
Pulse quickening
Soft gasps escaping from throat and lungs
My heart is taken
Stolen by words
Morphing into fantastic worlds
Spinning their way around me
Holding me gently in their soft grasp
A love affair
Forever bound across typewritten pages

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee writes. Today’s prompt wasn’t completely translatable, but Bee helped us out and gave us the prompt “falling in love.” I also gleaned from the translation that it was about art and being creative, so I wrote a poem about both.

Thank you to all my readers for the support this month. I always knew I loved poetry, but I didn’t realize how much I loved it until I was forced to create a new poem every day. I will definitely participate again. Thanks again to Bee for putting all the hard work into the translations and making it easier for those of us who don’t speak German. I know some of them were difficult and I truly appreciate all she did.


#frapalymo – The Journey

The Journey

Embracing the cacophony
As it spins through awareness
Colors pop from velvet petals
Dramatically powerful silk
In the first light of morning
Warbling birdsong echoes
Surrounded by poignant spaces
Of a deep blue lake
Soaring through the azure sky
A destination unknown
To find the elusive answer
Thoughts and whims
A chorus of haunting melodies
Intuition grabs hold
So bright a light
A fragrant blanket
Raging fires ablaze
Along the edges of isolation
Searching for joy
Pulsing softly across my skin
A feather touch falls
As winding miles float by
New growth awakens
Breathe deeply
Enjoy the now
The only choice
Fluttering hearts beating faster
Holding hands and screaming
Bright… safe… peaceful… love

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee writes. Today’s prompt was to make a cento out of our own #frapalymo poems. I tend to take things very literally, so I went back to every one of my poems and grabbed a line from each. I had to move them around a bit in order to get a flow, but I think they all work rather well together and despite the dark, haunting poems in the mix of all the others, I think it sums up my poetry journey nicely.


SoCS – Are We Almost There?

“Are we almost there?” How many times did I say that on a road trip with my family? I honestly have no idea, but I’m sure I drove my dad crazy with it. Having gone on several road trips in the past month, I’ve had cause to think about the difference between driving through a desert as a child and driving through the desert behind the wheel.

As a child sitting in the back seat of a car driving interminable miles, there were only so many things to do, especially when I was growing up. We didn’t have iPads or phones to pass the time. Reading only helped a little bit and you could only sleep so much before you were just closing your eyes and listening to the car whizzing down the road and the shuffling of bodies in the car. I was also thinking it could have had something to do with the fact that the speed limit has increased exponentially from the time I was a kid, but to be honest, most people, even back then, ignored the posted speed limit signs.

Regardless, one hour melted into the next and it always seemed to take forever to get from one place to the next. I was thinking it probably had something to do with the fact that the driver and the front seat passenger had the ability to see the signs on the roadside and could see how many miles to the next town. I think knowing how far you’ve come and how far you have to go helps the time go faster. Granted, someone sitting in the backseat can also see the signs, but as a kid, no one really tells you to look for those.

I remember wondering as a child how my dad always knew what to say. “How much longer, Dad” always got a response such as, “About an hour.” I always took him at his word, but somewhere in my teenage years I started to seriously doubt what he was saying. How does he know, I would ask myself. He can’t possibly know how much longer we have.

I feel like an idiot that I just barely figured it out, but as I was driving to get my daughter from Cedar City last weekend, I realized that if I’m going 80 miles an hour, it would take me a little over an hour to go 100 miles. Basic math, really, but it’s made easier that it’s 80 rather than 55, or 65. Zeros are so much easier to calculate in your head. Or maybe it’s just been that long since I was in school.

I don’t know if I like the process as an adult. I still love road trips, but I felt like I had this constant dialogue in my head. Okay, now it’s raining and I had to slow down to 60, which is going to add ten more minutes, so now I won’t get there until… I was more exhausted from my own thoughts than the actual drive. Sometimes I want to be a kid again so I could have the luxury of asking, “Are we almost there” and after getting a response, going back to my mindless sleeping or reading or watching the endless miles fly by my window.

SoCS is hosted by Linda G. Hill. Today’s prompt was “almost.” Feel free to click the link and join in.


#frapalymo – I Can’t Breathe

I Can’t Breathe

Flailing through darkness
Water surrounds rippling flesh
I can’t breathe

Spinning in circles
Swimming through murky light
Slowly fading
I can’t breathe

A wet cocoon envelopes
Fluttering hearts beating faster
Wrapping around love
Turned cold
I can’t breathe

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen. Bee didn’t translate today, but she did provide us with the video prompt – Breath Tomohide Ilkeya.


#frapalymo – Innocence Breaks

Innocence Breaks

Expectations like walls
Climbing into oblivion
No trail leading up
No compass pointing
The way through
Locked fortresses
Built up around wavering
Pressure mounts with each
Wrong move
Cracks forming along
Previously pristine surfaces
Pieces crumble down
Eventually leading to
The only choice
Staring through the abyss
That moment when innocence

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee writes. Today’s prompt was “predetermined breaking point.”


#frapalymo – Dreams and Bubbles

Dreams and Bubbles

In delighted glee and raspy tones
You speak of dreams and bubbles
Joyfully you announce
Life comes and goes without a thought
Our purpose ever fluid
Laughing you tell me
To bounce like a bubble
Enjoy the now
For that is all we have

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee Writes. Today’s prompt was a tough one; “translate, condense, re-verse a poem,” but not a literal translation. I was about to skip it when I realized my boyfriend speaks more than one language but his mother tongue is Farsi. I asked him who his favorite Persian poet was and he told me it is Omar Khayyam. He knew a little bit of a poem, but he couldn’t remember the whole thing, so he called his Dad. His Dad spoke the entire poem to me in Farsi but he couldn’t help but translate it in bits and pieces as well. My poem is a combination of the meaning of the poem he recited and how it was spoken to me. It was a special moment with his Dad that I will think of fondly for a long time to come.

If you click on the link, it will take you to the English translation of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and the poem I heard tonight was most likely #130, but my boyfriend said it wasn’t the complete poem he learned as a child.


#frapalymo – Who Owns the Air

Who Owns the Air

Have you ever asked
The unanswerable question
Who owns the air

Is it a fictional god
With magical powers
To give and take on a whim

Or is it consciousness
Experiencing a life
Full of spectacular wonders

Is the air conscious
Another form of life
Sharing its essence with all

Breathe deeply
Be forever grateful
To the air… to life… to all

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee writes. Today’s prompt was “who do you think owns the air?”



#frapalymo – Morning Tribute

Morning Tribute

The first sip of coffee blends
With the heat of a crackling fire
Spreading warmth
From fingertips to toes

Warbling birdsong echoes
Down the canyon
As water drips sporadicly
From trees heavy with rain

Rockets shoot high into a
Startling blue sky
As eyes lose track of its path
Through the plump clouds

The Red, White and Blue
Snaps in the wind
Paying tribute to fallen soldiers
And the families left behind

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee Writes. Today’s prompt was to let go of words and allow senses. I spent a fabulous morning in the canyon with my family celebrating Memorial Day, and the poem reflects the things I felt and heard throughout the morning.


Flash Fiction – The Beach House Part 3

At dusk by sora__

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Jane pulled her knees up and settled next to Brandon on the couch. The only sound in the house was the muffled movement of the ocean outside. The light Jane had flipped on when they came back in the house glared across the room, adding an unnatural feeling to an already strange evening. They were both heavy with their own thoughts, finding comfort in their bodies touching and Brandon’s hand sliding up and down Jane’s back.

The knock on the front door made them both jump, a soft scream erupting from Jane’s mouth. They looked at each other, the fear in Jane’s hazel eyes reflected in Brandon’s icy blue ones.

“Who the hell is that?” Jane’s voice quivered.

“I have no idea,” Brandon said as he stood up. “Stay here, Babe. I’ll go check it out.”

Jane watched Brandon walk out of the room, down the hall, and to the right completely out of view. Her palms started sweating and she felt a sick feeling in her stomach. When she heard the door creak open, she stood up quickly, looking around for something to use as a weapon. When she turned back to the hallway, Brandon was slowly walking back into the room, Walter trailing behind him.

“Walter? What the hell?” Jane looked from him to the glass door that led onto the deck. “Where’s Jen?”

Looking back, she watched Walter shrug as he walked into the kitchen and opened up the fridge.

Jane’s eyes met Brandon’s, but he looked as baffled as she felt. She turned back to the sliding glass door and was relieved to see Jen walking up the steps of the deck. She walked over and opened up the door.

Jen strode through the door without looking at anyone, walked straight through the room and into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Brandon met Jane’s eyes and they both sighed, understanding suddenly dawning.

“You guys had a fight?” Brandon asked Walter.

Walter was on his second glass of water and the only answer Brandon got was a grunt.

“Well, we’ll head to bed so you can sleep on the couch if you want. I think we should all get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”

He walked over to Jane and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go to bed, huh?”

“God, yes. This is just getting weird.”

They walked hand in hand to their bedroom and quietly shut the door behind them.

“We so don’t need those two to be at each other the rest of the week.” Jane walked over to the bed and started rummaging through her bag for her pajamas.

“I’ll talk to Walter in the morning. I’m sure everything will be okay.” Brandon leaned back against the door and watched Jane.

“It’s been such a weird day. What do you think was on the beach?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it was a trick of the light or weird beach phenomenon. I honestly didn’t think I smoked that much on the way down here.”

“You didn’t. And I saw something too.” Jane slumped on the bed and started taking off her shoes.

Brandon walked over and sat down next to her, his hand slowly sliding up her arm.

“How about we get naked and relax a little,” he mumbled as he started kissing her neck, slowly making his way to her lips. She turned her head and melted into the kiss, trying desperately to bring some normalcy to the strange start to their vacation.


Jane was walking down the beach, her bare feet sliding into the sand with each footstep. Dusk was just turning from purple to gray, slowly fading into black and the waves slipped up to the shore and slid back into the ocean, a steady back and forth motion. There was no sound, but Jane felt peace in the silence that surrounded her.

She felt the waves calling her and she walked towards the water, unable to stop. The waves covered her feet and slid back. She took a few steps forward and the next time the waves came up to her knees and slid back. The process continued until the waves reached her shoulders. Her eyes looked steadily forward and the peace she felt became a blanket, blocking out the cold wet darkness that finally covered her completely.

She floated in the water, adrift with the waves as they enshrouded her body, a comforting tomb. The first breath that slid water into her lungs was a relief she welcomed. She wanted this. She was finally home.

Just as her eyes were going dark around the edges, she saw a pale form floating toward her, reaching for her through the murky water.


Jane shot up in bed, a ragged scream echoing through the dark room. She leaned over the side of the bed and vomited onto the floor, her body retching violently. She was soaking wet and each breath she took came too quickly one after the other.

“Babe, are you okay?” Brandon was sitting up in bed, still startled from the scream that had dragged him out of sleep.

Jane was hyperventilating and crying at the same time. “I h-h-had the… w-w-worst nightmare!” She managed to get out in between racking sobs.

He reached for her and his hands slipped on her skin. “Jesus, Babe, you’re soaked.”

“I… I… I was d-d-drowning in the ocean. But… I wasn’t alone…”

Brandon reached for the blanket at the end of the bed and wrapped it around her shoulders. In a gentle voice, he said, “Babe, you need to breathe.” He pulled her toward him and started rocking her, not sure what else to do.

She sobbed for a few minutes longer, trying to take deeper breathes and finally, it started to fade. Once the sobbing stopped, her body started to shake.

“Jane, you’re okay. You’re safe. It was just a dream.” Brandon didn’t know what to say, but he kept repeating what he thought were reassuring words, rubbing her arms, kissing her neck.

Finally, in a soft voice that he could barely hear, she said, “Brandon, I don’t want to stay here anymore.”

Just in case you missed the first two parts, I included links before I started the third part so you could catch up if you wanted to. I also wrote this as part of Chuck Wendig’s challenge this week. The prompt was the random photo challenge. He provided a link to flicker called “Interestingness” where we had to choose a photo and write 1,000 words. I found a photo that went perfectly with this part of the story. If you click on the photo above, it will take you to the author’s flicker sight.