Song Lyric Sunday – Who You Are by Jessie J

I am sharing yet another song by a singer who was introduced to me by my daughter. We had a few years where we connected through music and even though she’s taken some side trips along the way, I still believe we have pretty close to the same taste in music.

Jessie J has such a powerful voice and the lyrics to many of her songs are deeply meaningful to me. I was reminded of this particular song when Jordan Smith sang it for The Voice this past week (I’m not sure if that link will work for people outside the US, and for that I truly apologize). The thing that made it so powerful is that he doesn’t have the typical “look” you see these days in mainstream singers, but his voice is beyond beautiful. It drives me nuts that great singers are overlooked because they don’t “look the part.”

I lived much of my life in the shadow of “inside the lines” but I always glanced longingly at those who dared to just be themselves, whether it was inside the lines or out. These days I feel more comfortable in my skin and I like who I am. I’m happy to be here now, but sometimes I wish it had happened earlier in my life.

For all those who are struggling, just remember to be who you are. “There’s nothing wrong with who you are!” I hope you enjoy this installment of Song Lyric Sunday. Feel free to read the “rules” below and post one of your own.

Who You Are by Jessie J
Lyrics found at AZ Lyrics

I stare at my reflection in the mirror:
“Why am I doing this to myself?”
Losing my mind on a tiny error,
I nearly left the real me on the shelf.
No, no, no, no, no…

Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It’s okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart.
Tears don’t mean you’re losing, everybody’s bruising,
Just be true to who you are!
who you are

Brushing my hair—do I look perfect?
I forgot what to do to fit the mould, yeah!
The more I try the less it’s working, yeah
‘Cause everything inside me screams
No, no, no, no, no…

Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It’s okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart.
But tears don’t mean you’re losing, everybody’s bruising,
There’s nothing wrong with who you are!

Yes, no, egos, fake shows, like whoa!
Just go and leave me alone!
Real talk, real life, good love, goodnight,
With a smile that’s my home!
That’s my home, no…

No, no, no, no, no…

Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It’s okay not to be okay…
Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart.
Tears don’t mean you’re losing, everybody’s bruising,
Just be true to who you are!
Yeah yeah yeah

Here are the “rules”:

  • Post the lyrics to a favorite song or a new song you want to share
  • Make sure you credit the singer/band and provide a link to where you found the lyrics
  • Link to the YouTube video, or pull it into your post so others can listen to the song
  • Ping back to my post that will go up every Sunday by 9am MST (or as early as I can…)
  • Read at least one other person’s blog so we can all share new and fantastic music and create amazing new blogging friends in the process


SoCS – Snow and Stuff

I tried to do a post this morning, but I ran out of time. I ended up scoring some amazing tickets to the local college football game today and we left pretty early so we could take the train up there in order to avoid the car crowds and driving in the snow.

Yep, you read that right. The snow! I like football and all, but the snow? I was so close to giving my ticket to my son’s Dad, but I checked the weather App last night and that pesky little liar said it was going to be partly cloudy today. I woke up to the sounds of someone shoveling the sidewalk outside.

I decided to brave it anyway, because really, how bad could it be? Besides, I honestly couldn’t pass up row 8 on the 50 yard line.

So, me and Jaxon stuffed blankets into a back pack and then I stuffed already gloved hands into another pair of gloves. I also managed a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie and a jacket. Just standing in the house, I started to melt and I had a moment when I thought it wouldn’t be so bad.

There was a lull in the snow on the way up there and I almost believed it would be cloudy and cold but that the snow had passed. And that’s where I would be wrong. Sitting in our amazing seats, the snow started to come down lightly at first but by the end of the first quarter, it was full on snowing.

As much as I’d like to say I had a blast, it was really just okay. I don’t think I’ll ever do that again, to be honest. I love football, but I’d much rather watch it from the comfort of my hoodie and warm socks while sitting on a nice couch in a nice warm house.

I always enjoy spending time with my son, though. He is so considerate and always takes care of me. He also offered his seat on the train to about five different people without any prompting from me.

All in all, it was a good day, even if I am still having trouble getting warm tonight.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is normally hosted by Linda G Hill, but today she is out of town and Pav gave us our prompt – “Stuff.”


Sending love and peace to the family of Life in the Foothills

For the past few weeks, I have waited expectantly for Monday because it became one of my favorite days for flash fiction only a few short months ago. I didn’t always participate in Monday’s Finish the Story, but when I did, it was always my favorite.

I knew the host, Barbara Beacham, was having health issues, but I think we all get stuck believing that everything is going to be okay. I was constantly amazed at what she continued to do while struggling so much with her health.

My first thought was that I hoped everything was okay, when every Monday this month I found my in-box empty of her prompt post.

Sadly, her husband posted her final blog today, letting us all know she lost her battle with cancer. I didn’t know her well, but it’s so sad to lose someone who has been a part of your life, even if it was a small part.

I am sending love and peace to her family in this very difficult time.


#frapalymo Day 22 – Forever United

Forever United

Take my hand
I’ll show you the way
One step
Two steps
Twirl around and fall
Back into my arms

Look into my eyes
You will see
My love
Joyfully radiating out
Surrounding our bodies
In sweet bliss

Step by step
Glance for glance
I fall in love
With you
Over and over again
Our hearts and souls
Forever united

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee Writes. Today was a music prompt from @Reticulum. I didn’t listen to the full 18 minutes because this one happened pretty quickly. It made me think of dancing with a lover. I went on a date with the boyfriend last night and, I don’t know; I guess you could say I’m just feeling the love and wanted to share it with everyone today.



Song Lyric Sunday – Glitter in the Air by Pink

I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan of Pink, but what I have heard of hers, I usually like. This song, however, has me in tears every single time. There are times that lyrics are the essence of beauty and they touch you in a way that is indescribable. This is one of those songs for me.

I am also linking to the performance she did of the song at the Grammy’s. I think it is one of the most brave and amazing performances I’ve seen. I was in tears when I watched it, and  the crowd’s reaction – fellow artists – is pretty much all you need to see to know how truly special it was. Just the fact that she sang upside down while hanging suspended in the air is truly magical.

I hope you enjoy today’s pick for Song Lyric Sunday. Feel free to read the “rules” below and join in with one of your own.

Glitter in the Air by Pink
Lyrics found at AZ Lyrics

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Closed your eyes and trusted, just trusted?
Have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, “I just don’t care.”?

It’s only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning and the breath before the phrase
“Have you ever felt this way?”

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you’re not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?

It’s only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table, the walk before the run
The breath before the kiss, and the fear before the phrase
“Have you ever felt this way?”

La la la la la la la la

There you are,
Sitting in the garden,
Clutching my coffee,
Calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight?
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight?

Here are the “rules”:

  • Post the lyrics to a favorite song or a new song you want to share
  • Make sure you credit the singer/band and provide a link to where you found the lyrics
  • Link to the YouTube video, or pull it into your post so others can listen to the song
  • Ping back to my post that will go up every Sunday by 9am MST (or as early as I can…)
  • Read at least one other person’s blog so we can all share new and fantastic music and create amazing new blogging friends in the process

SoCS – Two Too Many, To Be Honest

When I was worried about the prompt I posted for today, I think I was really only referring to myself and how it hasn’t inspired me to write anything. I’ve honestly had a full, well actually more than 24 hours to think about it. I’ve tried not to because we aren’t supposed to plan our posts, but I’ve had a hard time getting it out of my head.

The one thing it did make me think of was a lyric to a song and I have been singing the song in my head all night (that’s what it felt like anyway).

If you follow my blog, I posted a song by Pentatonix two weeks ago and I’m not trying to use SoCS to post music lyrics (I’ll save that for tomorrow), but this was just too perfect to not link to it. They did a remake of a song called Misbehavin’ and this is the lyric playing in my head while I write this: “And I’ve had two too many, but I’m just doing this to pass the time.” UPDATE: Okay, so this is what I get for not really doing any research for my posts. Pentatonix actually wrote this song, so it isn’t a cover. Thanks to Lisa in the comments for pointing out my pretty terrible mistake!

Listening to the song made me think of my daughter though – even though the song is most definitely about relationships. I received a phone call last night from a very homesick Adelle and we had a good chat and a cry together. I can handle her being too far away when I know she’s happy and she is loving school and her chosen career path, but when she is hurting, all I want is to call the airlines and fly her home with whatever money I can scrounge up.

To be honest, when she is two miles away and I don’t see her for days or even weeks, I miss her. The miles don’t necessarily matter, they just make it easier or harder to get to where your heart is.

My advice, such that it was, was to be fearless and fierce. Haha, I have no idea why that particular word came into my head, except that there are only a few words I think of when I am describing my daughter and two of them are tenacious and fierce. Does everyone think there child is a badass, or is that just me?

Anyway, I know this post is all over the place, but at least I managed to put in the few phrases that got stuck in my head when I came up with the prompt.

I have a busy day ahead of me, but I’m planning to read everyone’s post at some point this weekend.

Happy Saturday everyone!

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is normally hosted by Linda G Hill on her blog, but I stepped in to help out while she was gone this week. The prompt for today was “to/too/two.”


#frapalymo Day 19 – Embrace What Is

Embrace What Is

Ethereal threads
Stretch from each living being
Startling in their intrinsic
Everlasting invisibility that we
Naturally long to behold
Cease searching and
Embrace what is

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog Just Fooling Around With Bee. Today’s prompt was: “The essence of things has the habit of hiding itself!” I almost gave up on this one today, but then I decided to do an acrostic poem and this made it’s way onto the screen. I hope you enjoy!



#frapalymo Day 18 – After All We Said

After All We Said

Do you remember
The words we spoke
When it was only us
And the entire world
Stretched out before us

Can you recall
The words we whispered
Late at night
When we were all alone
Our bodies entwined

How can we
Hurt each other so much
After all we said
As if words
Were all we had

Softly spoken
Fervently whispered
Float into the ether
From whence they came

Words are easy
Living is hard

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee Writes. The prompt today came from a tweet by  @_drsarkozy – “About the forgotten words!” Sometimes when I go to write a certain poem, something entirely different comes out. I love it when that happens. I hope you enjoy!



#frapalymo Day 16 and 17 – Silent Strength and Hush

Silent strength

Take a deep breathe
Or maybe two…
Just a moment to collect
Scattered thoughts
Begging to rage across
The one I love
I close my eyes to shut out
The storm
Just a tiny pause…
Rage turns to pain
Collected thoughts
Calmly tumble through
Tears falling
I feel…
I need…
…I’m sorry
Blessings found in silence


Hush my love
I understand how you feel
Your pain is mine
Mine is yours

Hush my darling
Take my hand
We’re in this together
Side by side

Hush my beloved
Eternity is ours
Your reflection shines back
When you look in my eyes

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blogs The Bee Writes and Just Fooling Around With Bee. I have been battling a migraine for the last two days and after writing an introductory post for Linda’s blog last night, I just didn’t have anything else left to write poetry. (If you’re interested, I’ve linked to the post. I’ll be taking over Linda G Hill’s blog on Friday to help her out with the SoCS prompt this weekend.)

I’m grateful I found a double prompt yesterday and was able to combine them – yesterday’s was “silence” and today’s was “hush.” I hope you enjoy them both here together.



#frapalymo Day 15 – Sometimes


Art captivates the senses
A tingling that travels
The length of the body

A body’s movement to
The tinkling notes of a piano
Combine in a breathless display

The only response is
A building of tears that starts in the gut
And spills out of every pore

Beauty has no words

#frapalymo is hosted by @FrauPaulchen and is translated by Bee on her blog The Bee Writes. Today’s prompt is a video of Olga Kuraeva dancing to the music of Heinali – Sway Sway. I don’t know how many of you actually click on the links and look at the inspiration behind the poems, but I highly recommend you do it this time. The video is amazing and I just didn’t have words for it.
